Tuesday 19 March 2013


Compulsive preoccupation with a fixed idea or an unwanted feeling or emotion, often accompanied by symptoms of anxiety.     

A compulsive, often unreasonable idea or emotion. This is the definition you might get when looking up the word "obsession", some people think obsession is a bad thing but in reality it is the complete opposite. 

                                                             HERE's WHAT I THINK.

If you want to be good at something, you have to to be obsessive. You have to do the thing all the time, and when you’re not doing it, you have to be thinking about doing it. Why do you think business people who make millions are so good at it? They’re always doing business. Even when they’re not working, they’re thinking about better ways to do business. Same with the greatest writers and painters. They obsess all the time. So, if you want to be good at writing, rapper, dancer,comedian or even the first white president of Namibia, you need to be obsessive about it. 

Then again thats just how i feel.


  1. Its true, being good at something isnt all it takes to be successful, hardwork, determination and obssession will get you to whatever you wish to accomplish.
